Jan 25, 2019 | Non classé
Researchers identify a genetic “switch” that is only active when nerves are injured 24.01.2019 Regeneration of neuronal branches, surrounded by glia cells (whose nuclei are marked by blue dots), in a mouse sciatic nerve, seven days (top) and 25 days...
Jan 21, 2019 | Non classé
Weizmann establishes the Dr. Barry Sherman Institute for Medicinal Chemistry DATE: JANUARY 21, 2019 SOURCE: WEIZMANN HOMEPAGE It is the purview of pharmaceutical companies to develop potential medications, then market and sell them to patients. And in the halls of...
Jan 17, 2019 | Non classé
An advanced method for investigating the activity of single cells could lead to better immunotherapy drugs 14.01.2019 Postdoctoral fellows (l-r) Drs. Hanji Li, Yaniv Lubling and Ido Yofe Why do some cancer patients respond well to immunotherapy, while others do not?...
Jan 10, 2019 | Non classé
The cells that keep blood vessels in the pituitary permeable to hormones may hold the key to future drug delivery 07.01.2019 Blood vessels of the zebrafish pituitary before (left) and after (right) inhibition of permeability The so-called blood-brain barrier is a...
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