No Rest for Weary Immune Cells

No Rest for Weary Immune Cells

An advanced method for investigating the activity of single cells could lead to better immunotherapy drugs 14.01.2019 Postdoctoral fellows (l-r) Drs. Hanji Li, Yaniv Lubling and Ido Yofe Why do some cancer patients respond well to immunotherapy, while others do not?...
Where the Blood-Brain Barrier Breaks Down

Where the Blood-Brain Barrier Breaks Down

The cells that keep blood vessels in the pituitary permeable to hormones may hold the key to future drug delivery 07.01.2019 Blood vessels of the zebrafish pituitary before (left) and after (right) inhibition of permeability The so-called blood-brain barrier is a...
Lowering the Handbrakes on Stem Cell Production

Lowering the Handbrakes on Stem Cell Production

Cells that are reprogrammed to become stem cells benefit when a protein complex is removed 03.01.2019 Stem cell colonies lacking the protein Gatad2a (the two left-hand images) compared to normal stem cells (the two on the right). Green staining shows proteins typical...
The Immune System’s Fountain of Youth

The Immune System’s Fountain of Youth

Helping the immune system clear away old cells in aging mice helped restore youthful characteristics 31.12.2018 Drug treatment eliminates senescent cells from tissues of old mice. The blue staining shows senescent cells in lung and liver tissue. The amount of the...
It’s a Stretch: Giving Direction to Blood Vessels

It’s a Stretch: Giving Direction to Blood Vessels

Scientists from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and the Weizmann Institute of Science reveal the mechanical forces that influence the spatial organization of blood vessels 13.12.2018 An example of well-oriented blood vessels generated in the...