Jan 20, 2017 | Non classé
Researchers identify the cells that orient bats – and possibly humans – toward a destination 12.01.2017 Egyptian fruit bat. In today’s issue of Science, Sarel et al report on a new functional class of hippocampal neurons in bats, which encode the direction and...
Jan 19, 2017 | Non classé
Viruses that infect bacteria communicate to coordinate infection 18.01.2017 Viruses may be stealthy invaders, but a study at the Weizmann Institute of Science reveals a new, chatty side of some: For the first time, viruses have been found communicating with one...
Jan 10, 2017 | Non classé
New simulations challenge the idea that the Moon was born of a single giant collision 09.01.2017 The formation of the Moon has remained something of a puzzle. A leading theory proposes a cataclysmic impact involving a Mars-sized object and a young Earth. But there are...
Dec 21, 2016 | Non classé
Heating up: One ion and thousands of atoms, all at a millionth of a degree above absolute zero 19.12.2016 Fluorescence image of a single trapped Sr+ ion immersed in a cloud of 100,000 trapped Rb atoms. The ion is trapped by radio-frequency fields. The atoms are...
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