Local Teen Conducts Scientific Research in Israel

Local Teen Conducts Scientific Research in Israel

Nicole Odzer of North Miami Beach, pictured on the left, conducting scientific research in Israel along with her lab partner, Xell Brunet. Yale University freshman Nicole Odzer of North Miami Beach followed in her mother and sister’s footsteps when she conducted...
Double Whammy for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Double Whammy for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

New Weizmann Institute of Science research provides hope for cancer patients 30.11.2016 Also in: Life SciencesCancerDisease, Drugs & DiagnosticsPersonalized Medicine  A promising new combination therapy for a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer has been...
DNA, the Condensed Version

DNA, the Condensed Version

 Lines of highly compacted DNA might be used as nanocables 28.11.2016 Maze-like patterns are created when the DNA condenses like a row of dominoes in the lab of Prof. Roy Bar-Ziv DNA molecules take on different shapes and forms within living cells; sometimes it is a...
New research on the environmental cost of beef vs legumes

New research on the environmental cost of beef vs legumes

 How much does the food you eat really cost?   How much does a steak really cost? Or chicken nuggets; or a plate of hummus? New research by Prof. Ron Milo and Alon Shepon of the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, together with Prof. Gideon Eshel of Bard...